Social Media Engagement for DUMMIES

“Social media is like a snowball rolling down the hill. It’s picking up speed. Five years from now, it’s going to be the standard.” – Jeff Antaya, CMO at Plante Moran said in 2012. Now in 2018, 6 years later, he could not be more right. The first thing we do when we don’t know something, whether it be a specific topic or company, our first thought is “google it!”. From that Google search we then go look to social media to see what that topic/company is all about.
Not only do companies utilize social media for marketing, kit is a huge way to be able to communicated at a click of a mouse to consumers all around.  If your brand or company is not on social media, you are already so behind.
But, just because you have one social media account does not mean you’re set. Depending on your brand, you need to research and decide which social media platforms work best for your company and/or brand. Once you create your social media, you have to care for it. It takes planning and coordination throughout all your channels to get the most out of your social medias. You have to post consistently and relevant to your brand, as well as reach out to your consumer base and interact with them. One of the most important aspects in making sure your social media is successful is making sure your engagement is consistent and high. Check out some social media mistakes here that you want to avoid:
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Trust me, you do not want to make a mistake on social media. What happens on the internet, stays on the internet…(And becomes a meme and will just NEVER die)
But just how do you increase your social media engagement? Look no further, check out “10 tips to increase social media engagement” here:
These 10 tips are a great way to help you and your brand/business build into the brand you envision. I think the most important takeaways are “Post relevant content, not just content about your brand”, and “Reach out and respond to other users”. People do not want to feel like they are constantly being targeted to buy a product. You want your social media to have a humanized feel to it so people can relate more.
If you are still having trouble, check out this article from Forbes:
You got this!

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