Annnd that’s all for now folks

Reflection Time For a lack of a better way to put this…..this semester has been stressful as all hell. I’ve been juggling 18 credits, 2 jobs, and a whole lot of other miscellaneous stress. However, this semester, sitting in my classes like PR Strategy and PR for Social Media, I have finally come to a […]

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You’re Fired

You’ve heard it all before, what happens on the internet, stays on the internet. However, sometimes people forget this very basic fact. Personal use of social media is a social norm at this point- almost everyone has some sort of social media profile. However, even with privacy settings, your posts can fall into the wrong […]

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Creative Social Media Campaigns

It has been said time and time again, social media is a continuously growing tool that proves to be instrumental on how we communicate. It allows for a fast, creative and interactive approach that traditional methods did not allow. My personal favorite thing about social media now, is how personalized companies and brands have gotten. Brands […]

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Aw F%#K I screwed up…now what?

It’s been a long week at work. It’s Friday night, you’ve sent out your last and what you think is a hilarious tweet. You wake up the next morning to a jungle of notifications, texts and missed calls. You rub your eyes groggily and stare at the mess notification and you start to make sense […]

Read More Aw F%#K I screwed up…now what?

Social Media #Fails

I think we can all agree social media is a fun a and extremely useful tool for both personal and business use. However, there are a lot of ways for individuals to screw up on social media. Nasty comments, rude tweets, a timeline full of misspellings and other faux pas. For individuals, a social media fail […]

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Celebrities and Social Media

If you have any form of social media- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube ect, chances are you follow one or more of your favorite celebrities. Whether you love Chrissy Teigen’s sassy comebacks, Kanye West’s bizarre meltdowns, Ashton Kutcher’s work with taking down human trafficking or just simply knowing what is going on in the world, […]

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